
Do NOT paste your real key into the online version of this tool! This is only for tinkering and testing with disposable keys.

Run your own NostrTool by checking out the github repo.

Create or load a Nostr key:

Paste pubkey hex or npub:

Paste privkey hex or nsec:

Paste 12-word or 24-word mnemonic (separated w/spaces or commas):

BIP-39 mnemonic:

Nostr private key (nsec):

Nostr private key (hex):

Nostr public key (npub):

Nostr public key (hex):
NIP-26 Delegation

The key you created/loaded above will grant limited signing permissions to the delegatee with the following conditions:
Delegatee privkey hex or nsec:

(leave blank to auto-generate a new PK)
Restrict to:
Valid from:
Valid until:
Delegation token (see: NIP-26):

Delegatee privkey hex or nsec:

(Optional, but if omitted, you won't be able to sign events in this UI)
Delegation token:
Delegator (the main identity) npub/hex:

Delegatee pubkey:

Delegatee privkey:

Allowed event kinds:
Valid from:
Valid until:
Delegation tag:
(this tag gets added to any event that the delegatee signs on behalf of the delegator. It can be saved and reused until the delegation expires)
Text note:

Raw event json:

Uses the delegation tag above so the delegatee can sign a new text note on behalf of the delegator.
Text note:
Raw event json:

Note ID:

(not guaranteed to work!)
⚡⚡ LN Tips ⚡⚡